ELL English Language Learners

ELL english language learnersESL English as a Second LanguageLimited English Proficient

ELL English Learners

State and federal education laws require assessments of limited-English proficient (LEP) students—also known as English language learners (ELLs)—be conducted annually to determine students’ English language proficiency level.

The reauthorization of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, known as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) inaugurated major changes in the expectations placed on state and local education agencies regarding assessment of and accountability for limited-English proficient (LEP) students – also known as English language learners. Specifically, NCLB Title III requires states to:
  • Establish English language proficiency (ELP) standards aligned to state academic content standards, yet suitable for students learning English as a second language;
  • Annually assess the English language proficiency of each ELL student using a valid and reliable assessment of English language proficiency aligned to ELP standards;
  • Define annual measurable achievement objectives to measure and report on progress toward and attainment of English proficiency and academic achievement standards; and
  • Hold local education agencies (LEAs) accountable for meeting increasing Annual Measurable Achievement Objective targets for English language proficiency over time (NCLB 2002, Public Law 107-110, 115 Statute 1425).
SEG Measurement works with educational publishers, and the ELPA21 (English Language Proficiency Assessment) consortium to design and refine ELL assessments, ELL strategies and programs to measure limited English proficiency, English as a Second Language, ELL students' academic gains and ELL levels.
We also work with education publishers to ascertain the efficacy of their ELL programs in order to provide states, districts, schools and academic personnel with a selection of English Language Learner and English as a Second Language products proven to be effective.  These education products that have proof of effectiveness are then eligible for purchase with Federal funding.

ESL English as a Second Language

For more information about the ELPA21 English Language Proficiency Assessment, please visit the Council of Chief State School Officers' website at: http://www.ccsso.org/Resources/Programs/ELPA21.html.  
To download a copy of the ELPA21 standards, please click the link below.
For more information on ELL, ESL or LEP student proficiency testing, ELPA21, or to have a custom designed efficacy study to prove the effectiveness of your education product or program, please contact us at:  info@segmeasurement.com or 800.254.7670.